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Sojourners in the Sewer

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Emphasizing the importance of the Word of God as the church battles the spiritual darkness of the world.

Text: John 17:14-16
Date: 03/01/2020, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 166

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As Jesus continues to pray to His Father on behalf of His disciples, He prays specifically that they will be protected from the evil one during their sojourn in the darkness of the world. This brings fresh perspective to His "sojourn of glory" and His plans for the disciples after He leaves. Yes, He has taken them to be His symbolic bride (the church); and yes, through His Crosswork He has sanctified them to be presented to His Father. But rather than sweeping His Bride to heaven with Him when He leaves, He purposely leaves her behind in the putrid spiritual sewer of this world. In this message we will delve into the reason for this surprising plan and emphasize the importance of the weapon He has left them with-- the "sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God". For this Word will be vital if the disciples and all who follow them are to complete their essential task during their time as sojourners in the sewer!

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 17:14-16.
A. Context, John 17:6,8,12.
B. The light remains in the darkness.
1. Focus on the Word, vs. 14a.
a. The Word as a gift.
i. The gift of the Living Word, John 1:4, 6:68.
ii. The gift of the Apostolic Word.
b. The Word Incarnate, John 1:1,14,3:34,6:63,8:47,12:48,14:10,23-24,17:8.
c. The centrality of the Word.
d. The Word as the "sword" in the sewer, Eph. 6:17, Heb. 4:12, Rev. 19:11-15.
2. The hatred of the world, vs. 14b.
a. Confidence in the Word, John 17:8, Isa. 55:11.
b. Hatred because of the Word, John 3:19-20.
i. The twisted perspective of satan.
• He hates and fears the Word, John 17:17.
• He is devoid of the Word, John 8:44.
ii. Attempts to subvert the Word, Josh. 1:7-8.
3. Aliens in the world, vs. 14c, 16.
a. Disciples who no longer belong.
i. A change in citizenship, Phil. 3:20, Eph. 1:4.
ii. Sojourners in the sewer, 1Pet. 2:10-11, Gal. 5:1`6-17.
b. Guardians of the Word.
i. Jesus as the Incarnate Word, John 1:1,4,5,9,14.
ii. Planting the Light, John 17:5.
c. Noticing the repetition.
4. A prayer for protection in the sewer, vs. 15.
a. Purposely left behind, vs. 15a.
i. What we might expect Jesus to pray, John 17:4-5.
ii. Governed by the Providence of God.
iii. A task to complete, John 15:26-27, Acts 13:45-48.
b. Protected from the evil one, vs. 15b.
i. The prevalence of the work of satan, John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, 13:27, Luke 22:31-32, 1John 5:19.
ii. Bound but still dangerous, John 1:5, Rev. 20:2-3.
III. Application
A. Summation, 1Pet. 1:3-5.
B. The task of the sojourners in the sewer.
1. Shining the Light.
2. Protecting the Word.
a. Guardians of the Word.
b. Sharing the Word.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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